Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Looking after my wee one

Have'nt had a change to create anything new of late as I have been looking after my daughter who had a nasty fall from her horse and shattered her elbow and humerous, resulting in extensive surgery and a long rehabilitation period. So i'm rather tied up trying to make life a little easier for her at the moment. May take her out for a drive tomorrow and that may include a trip to the new craft shop in town, so I may be tempted to conjure up something new later in the week.

anne :)

1 comment:

thekatsmeow said...

Oh my goodness I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter's accident. I have had more than a few injuries horseback riding myself. I hope she recovers quickly and completely. P.S. Did you ever get the tattoo? lol I'm going to have to post a picture of mine on my blog someday soon!

Take care!
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